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Grounding 101 (How to Ground Yourself)




In regards to actual practice, grounding is your “Step One”.

Before Reiki, ground.

Before setting up your Crystal Grid or Tarot, ground.

Before interacting with your client, ground.

Before meditating, ground.

Before channeling, ground, ground, GROUND.


Grounding is also your Step One when it comes to FEELING BETTER.


If you’ve ever taken a deep breath in the midst of an anxious moment, you’ve unconsciously taken action to ground yourself,

simply by using your breath to bring you into the moment.






What Does It Mean to “Be Grounded”?


So what does it mean to be grounded?

Many people relate being grounded to your connection with the energy of Mother Earth or Gaia, and this is certainly true;

however, I have a simpler definition which points right to the root of the issue:

Being grounded is simply being in your body.

As humans, we are multidimensional beings, comprised of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies.

We experience life and interact with others on both the physical and energetic planes.


When you’re grounded, your mind, body, and soul are in alignment, that is, your desires (energetic plane) naturally initiate action (physical plane), and your experience (physical plane) is in alignment with what you want to attract for yourself (energetic plane).


When you are UNgrounded, there is a disconnect between your desires and what you’re manifesting, because your soul is disconnected from your body; therefore, your physical efforts will not result in true fulfillment

because they are not connected to your soul purpose!


  development is a GOOD thing, But if you don’t balance it with grounding techniques you will eventually find

yourself feeling spaced out and unable to progress.




You Know You’re UN-grounded When…


Perhaps you know what I’m talking about?

When you’re not grounded, you may experience any or all of the following:


Disconnected from your body

Stuck in analysis paralysis

Unable to take action

Bored, but unwilling to do anything

Dizzy or lightheaded

Lost – as if you’ve forgotten your life purpose

Lost – literally, like while driving in spite of GPS

Fatigued, drained, more tired than usual

Forgetful (missing appointments, being late or too early)

Constantly losing your train of thought

Daydreaming ALL THE TIME

Clearly, not a good place to be.


Not to worry though! If you ever find yourself feeling ungrounded (and we’ve all been there),

the following techniques will help bring you back down to Earth


4 Simple Ways to Ground Yourself

Breath Awareness

This is the simplest, yet most effective, technique for grounding yourself that I’ve ever come across. Simply bring your awareness back to your breath – try it now, in fact. Simply watch your current breathing pattern, without editing it in any way. Inhale, and notice; exhale, just notice.


When you’re watching your breath, you are in your body. If you’re watching your breath, truly, then your mind cannot be anywhere else. Bringing yourself back to your breath is a quick way for you to mentally reconnect with your physical body, and that is what it means to be GROUNDED.


Quick Fix: If you find yourself unable to act, paralyzed by a messy mind, see if you can take a moment to bring your awareness into your breath. Continue until you can viscerally feel yourself embodying your physical self. You may actually be able to FEEL the alignment happening. From there, act.


Long Term Management: Practice breath awareness meditation daily. Start with 5 minutes, build up to 20. You can choose to either watch your natural breathing pattern, or to lengthen your breath (inhale to a count of 5, exhale to a count of 5, etc). Simply watch your breath.

Grounding Crystals


Red and black crystals and stones are great for grounding, protection, and balancing the Earth Star Chakra,

which affects our ability to feel stable, secure, and – you guessed it – grounded.

















































To ground yourself, sit in meditation with one of these stones in your receptive hand (left hand if right-handed, and vice-versa), and allow yourself to absorb the healing energy of the stone.

You can also wear the stone on your body (as jewelry or in your bra if your a lady), or keep it close to you for most of the day (at your desk or under your pillow at night).

To really hone in on your Root Chakra,stone on the floor just place below your feet (not touching).

Remember, since ALL crystals and stones are Earth-based,

technically any stone can help you ground yourself if you set the intention for it to do so

. Always rely your intuition when working with crystal energy above all else



Self-Reiki treatment will help to ground you in a pinch.

To really target the healing toward grounding, you could place your hands on your knees, feet, or lower back.

You may also choose to visualize Reiki flowing in through the crown of your head and out through the soles of your feet, rooting you into the Earth Star Charka.

Move Your Body

Take a class – dance, , Yoga, anything. Hit the gym. Head out the door and walk, run, jump – anything! Just move.

This, for me, is also one of the quickest ways to get grounded. Really, when you’re focused on your physical body and are moving with purpose, you don’t really have much choice but to be in your body, which, as we discussed, is what being grounded is all about.

These four techniques are my go-to methods for grounding, and I hope you find them useful! If you have any questions, leave a comment.

Black Obsidian

Smoky Quartz

Petrified Wood

Black Kyanite

Ruby crystal
Apache Tears
Moss Agate
Tiger’s Eye
(Fool’s Gold)
fire agate-500x500.jpg
Fire Agate
Black Garnet

Available at

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